Ask Dr. Science!
He Knows More Than You Do!
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He Knows More Than You Do!
Copyright © 2011-2025 Ask Dr. Science! All rights reserved.
Multi version 1.9 a child of the Desk Mess Mirrored version 1.9 theme from
Dear Dr Science:
Does Love really make the world go around?
Is there a difference between the Get Smart! CD and the Ask Dr. Science cassette I checked out from my local library in 1996?
Absolutely! Every answer provided on the earlier cassette has been double-checked for accuracy and about half of the questions and answers were replaced with updated, more “hip” Dr. Science whizdumb. Also, all of the old Q&A’s were digitized so as to fit securely on a CD. You may recall the controversy that erupted when we reworked the answers on the 1971 8-Track compilation for the cassette version.
Dear Dr. Science, In this depressed economy is there any counseling available for negative numbers to become more positive? I’m sure it would help Wall Street, Main Street, and every truly patriotic American. Can you help?
i was sitting in front of a mirror when my dog joined me and she was looking at herself and then my reflection and than back to hers. Was she thinking i don’t look like him,
i wonder she might think she’s human because she lives with me or does she know she’s differant anyway?
Is it true that North of the Equator, water draining in your tub or sink, water in your toilet when you flush, Tornados and Water Spouts all rotate Counter Clockwise while South of the Equator it does the opposite and rotates Clockwise?
I read in the Onion that trees are really trying to strangle each other. If they are, why are there so many trees still alive?
Is everything really backwards in the southern hemisphere? I have been there and noticed left handed people are a minority and clock go clockwise. Is there a conspiracy to confuse us about southern reality?
Why are muffins sticky?
When my cat goes outside, he likes to hunt and kill birds and chipmunks. Should I be worried? Is he honing his skills for the day he tries to hunt and kill me?
Was Mr. Tesla really a smart guy and does Edison owe him big time?
Do you think a Tesla car would cover it? So my question is part science,
part psychology and part economics. Thank you!
Hi, is there any scientific explanation for the explosion of the dusts, etc, in the universe (The Big Bang Theory)? Because if so, then this could mean that there are supernatural beings such as a god or gods, right?
what is science?
With all the space between atoms, why can’t I walk through walls?
What percentage of shooting stars are made up of astronaut poop?
How many dimensions are there, and which is your favorite?
What would happen if you cleaned your self-cleaning oven?
When adding insult to injury, how does one determine the correct proportions?
Dr Science, In the movies, why does the beautiful girl always fall when being chased by a monster? Buck Eye Di
I’ve noticed that when Popeye finishes a can of spinach he simply tosses it into the air instead of recycling. I’ve never heard the can fall anywhere so I wonder if there is some special law of nature which vaporizes empty spinach cans. Thanks.
If onions are sooooo popular, why do we cry?
As a kid child, I remember loving your televison program. Now as a boy/man, I would give anything to watch it again. Dr. Science, can you help me?
Rob *
Dear Dr Science,
I’m not certain if you remember me but my name is Kyle DeWees. I’m from Muncie Indiana and when I was 11 I underwrote your show on our local station. In the last 18 years I have obviously gotten older and actually become a stand up comedian. I attribute much of my weird sense of humor to your show. Thank you very much.
Dr. Science,
When British people sing their accent disappears and they sound just like us. Why is that? Is that why they so successfully infiltrated the United States during the British Invasion of the 1960s?
Matthew Holmes
Cleveland, OH
Are you real or not?
My skin is slippery when it’s wet, but clothes stick to it. Why is that?
The Sound of Music says that the hills are alive. Does that mean that they move around sometimes?
I recently found out that the universe is composed of a large amount of dark matter.
Being an avid gardener, I’m wondering if I could use it as compost or mulch.
Dear Dr. Science, If Dogs are so smart, Why does mine eat her poop?
Dear Dr. Science:
I know about physics and biology, but what is this social science?
Dear Dr Science,
Since female physicists presumably understand gravity, do they still complain when men leave the toilet seat up?
In my town we have many one-way avenues that I frequently jaywalk across. My question is: is it truly necessary to “look both ways” when crossing in this manner? Despite feeling foolish about it, I inevitably do so anyway. I’m pretty sure that the laws of physics preclude wrong-way driving, but there’s never a physicist around when you need one. Please help.
Why do English speaking people say “eyesight?” Is that redundant? We don’t say “earhearing” or “nosesmelling”?
Dear Dr. Science: Why does my garden hose get kinky?
Dear Dr. Science,
As you know more than I do, do “Smarty Pants” exist?
Dear Doctor Science:
The coffee machine at my work has a yellow label with “Caution Hot Liquid” in black letters. What types of hazards do hot liquids typically face, and what form should my warning take?
How come my boyfriend yawns so much? He says he ‘earns them’ by working hard.
I don’t have a dog. Do you think that means I don’t have a best friend?
As one of the eight people who watched (and loved) the Dr. Science TV show for the short time it aired, I was wondering if it will ever be made available in any format for purchase? Or viewing at all?
Oh, wouldn’t that be great. If you’d like to talk to the powers-that-be at Fox Entertainment Conglomerate, perhaps you can convince them that the show needs to be seen by more people than the archivist in their videotape storage facility.
In the automotive field, they say “bearings wear in” , yet as they get used they will also say ” bearings wear out” ……..?
My question is; who are they, and have they lost their bearings?
Do people full of hot air really float?
Why is it that gas passed in the bath tub smells so much worse than gas passed in the air? Is it because my slacks act as a filter, or because under-water farts have to be stronger to survive in the submarine environment?
Thank you in advance,
Why is it that gas passed in the bath tub smells so much worse than gas passed in the air? Is it because my slacks act as a filter, or because under-water farts have to be stronger to survive in the submarine environment?
Thank you in advance,
just for argument sake.. I know time slows down the faster you go. If a sun beam left the sun at (lets say) 12:00 noon. It would take 8 minutes and 29 secs to get to earth, If i were born on the exact sec this sun beam left the sun, how old would i be when it touched me on earth?
dear Dr. Science,
what is the light at the end of the tunnel, and who is responsible for turning it on and off?
If it is possible to travel into the future by moving faster, is there a speed that I can move slower than to travel into the past?
Dear Dr. Science,
I am a master’s student (in science) and I’ve come to understand that science is not body of knowledge, but more an amorphous, sentient being. My question to you is, what makes science tick?
Dr. Science:
Does my car actually run better after cleaning it or is it just my imagination?
Dear Dr. Science,
Was 2013 the end of Ask Dr. Science?