Bobbing Birds
You know those little birds filled with red stuff that bob up and down drinking from a glass of water? I can’t make mine stop, even when I take away his water. He won’t stop. Please help!
———- from Joey Terry of Springfield, MO.
Those little birds are actually perpetual motion machines. Once you get them started, they’ll never stop — ever — not until the sun winds down and our galaxy goes nova. Even then, somewhere in the imploded black holes that was once our solar system, little birds will be bob-bob-bobbing — even in the noiseless vacuum of space. The “red stuff” inside these birds is actually a neutrino solution kept in place by a mysterious new force in the universe called hypercharge, which is a cross between a nuclear bond and superglue. Fortunately, most of these birds are what science calls “broken” and will not bob at all. This is true, at least for most of us, who bought these little birds at airport gift shops and we can only thank the powers-that-be. Otherwise, they’d just give us the creeps. Bobbing, bobbing, bobbing through eternity, through entropy, bobbing, bobbing, bobbing, bobbing…