Swallowing Your Pride
What happens when you swallow your pride?
———- from Gerson Faden of Deerfield Beach, FL
You get severe indigestion. The same comes from eating your words. It’s a pain that starts deep in your gut and travels upwards, emerging from the mons ignoramus at the crown of the skull. From there this pain ricochets around the room, looking for a home. Pride and words are not meant to be swallowed. Food is meant to be swallowed. And certain medicines, of course, prescribed by your family physician. Since I’m not a medical doctor, I haven’t the faintest idea what the antidote might be for ingested language or pride, but I do know that I’d make the personal injury lawyers happy if I absent-mindedly prescribed something over the radio or cyberspace. So I won’t. I won’t even tell you to stop swallowing your pride. Some esquire or nonesuch would subpoena me in a second if I made that mistake. Nope. Go ahead, be humble. See if I care. I’ve got my pride, you know.