Balloons and Cats
Okay, so what makes balloons stick to cats?
———- from Barbara P. of Atascadero, CA
Depends on the cat. Your run of the mill Tabby generates small amounts of static electricity. Balloons, being electricity in its larval form, think these cats are their mothers. Hippies — and others who find themselves “stoned” — can have hours of fun annoying their cats and creating pre-natal trauma for the latent electricity in the balloons. This can lead to annoying power brownouts in the future when the electricity finally “hatches.” If you wish to persist in this errant conduct, there are many ways to put balloons on cats, though: tape for Burmese, glue for Manx, and, of course, for a Siamese cat, a nail properly placed should keep cat and balloon in place for weeks. Good luck at your next party, and thanks for asking!