Snail Torture
After we crush snail shells, do the snails turn into slugs?
———- from David Terry of St. Louis MO
You ought to be ashamed of yourself. It’s one thing to torture snails; it’s another to admit it to the nation via radio and cyberspace, pal. And just who is this “we” you refere to? Is it your family or just a gang of thugs who have nothing better to do than torture slimy garden pests? Do your comrades know you’re bragging of your shameful exploits, Mr. David Terry of St. Louis? Well, to answer your question, slugs are another species entirely. You could torture them, too, if you like. But if you’d like to free yourself from this compulsion…if you’ve reached your “bottom” in this area, call your psychiatrist and schedule an appointment. Do it soon. For your sake, and for the snails.