Who is Rodney?
I’m one of the lucky folks who gets to hear you on the radio. Enlighten us, is the person who reads the questions your graduate assistant or merely your straight man?
———- from Peach Fuzz of Madison, AL
I take offense at your description of Rodney. Rodney, my graduate assistant, is like a son to me. Although he is chronologically a few months older than I, he has a child’s emotions, a child’s mind. Selfless as the day is long, devoted as a faithful retriever, Rodney is at least as responsible for the “Ask Dr. Science” show as I am. Maybe Rodney is more responsible, for it was he who suggested I share my reservoir of knowledge via the airwaves and now cyberspace. Hey, did you ever see that Gunsmoke episode where the bad guys kidnap Chester and Marshall Dillon rescues him, after they nearly killed poor Chester? Watch that episode and you’ll know what I think of Rodney.