Posted by Dr. Science on 07/14/2014 in
Question |
Does the French phrase “raison d’etre” mean “seedless raisin”?
———- from Ardys Karney of Rockford, IL
Oui. In Russian, for instance, it means “large potato of fire,” which is what the Siberian peasants called Haley’s Comet the last time it passed closed to Earth. Incidentally, there is a Russian proverb that says if a man eats seedless raisins, he will be destroyed by Haley’s Comet on its next approach. Millions of Russian tax dollars are being spent to prove the validity of this proverb. In one testing facility, dissident poets, playwrights and scientists are being force fed a diet of seedless raisins. After the comet passes earth, a special United Nations investigation will try to determine if these dissidents are still around. If not, well, chalk up one for , well, seedless raisins, I guess.