Plant Closures
I’m a graduate student in botany. Ever since the last recession, the papers have been full of stories about plant closures. I’m concerned. With all of these closures, will there be any plants left for me to study when I graduate?
———- from Larry Widell of Rockford, IL
It sounds to me like you’ve spent too long with your nose in a book, Larry. You see there are two different kinds of plants: one grows in the ground and the other one hires factory workers. Oh, sure, there are superficial resemblances. If a tree fell in a forest and another on a factory with nobody there to hear it, neither tree would make a noise. But there the resemblance ends. You can’t tell the forest for the trees, Larry, and you should consider a different career. I recommend factory work. As a matter of fact, there’s a job opening in a plant near you. Bring your resume. Just knock at the stamen and ask for Joe.