Many doctors are now saying that breakdancing can be physically dangerous. Since I spent most of my free time in the ’80s breakdancing, can you tell me if there’s any truth to this?
———- from George Turner of Des Moines, IA
Breakdancing was invented by nuclear physicists. Back in the ’50s, if a physicist wanted to be the life of a party, all he had to do was drop to the floor, spin around real fast and shout, “Hey, look at me, everybody, I’m a cyclotron!” Today, of course, breakdancing is out of the lab and into the streets. Well, let me tell you the only possible danger was that breakdancing, like a cyclotron, could have split your atoms if you went too fast. Many physicists now have an identical twin as a result of their party fun. Still, if you were a lonely breakdancer, this might appeal to you. Or have you noticed a new twin in the past decade, George?