Sleeping Problems
Do you ever get so wound up that you can’t sleep at night? You know, just thinking about the same stuff over and over, regretting things, feeling kind of sorry for yourself. What do you do when that happens?
———- from Susan H. of Minneapolis, MN
I’m glad you shared. There are some things which, if allowed to fester inside of us, can cause insanity or death. The process you’ve described is one of those things. You have to talk about it or it just gets worse. And then where are you? Groggy and insane. And dying. Gee, there are times when it seems like it’s 3 o’clock in the morning all over the world. A cold wind blows off the prairie. It seems to say, “What’s the use,anyway?” These are the times when we all need Science the most. That’s when I start number crunching and, believe me, keep crunching until dawn. Then a cup of hot java, a splash of water in the face, and I’m OK. Until the night falls and I start all over again… So thanks for writing and getting me to talk about all this. It helped, it really did.