Room for Jello
Why is there always room for Jello?
———- from Mike P. of Valparaiso, IN
The technical term for Jello, I believe is 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane in a collodial mucous base. Early attempts to promote sales of the colorful and somewhat tasty product failed to catch on, perhaps because of the slogan “There’s always room for 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane in a collodial mucous base.” Then they hired a copywriter to coin a catchier phrase for the product; the rest is history. Incidentally, our former commmanders-in-chief learned a lesson from this renaming. No longer do we have the MX missle; we have the Peacekeeper. So whether it’s food or nuclear weapons, renaming a product makes unpleasant reality go down a little bit easier. Kind of like a midwestern family reunion potluck.