Posted by Dr. Science on 03/23/2012 in
Question |
When I was a child, I use to believe in fairies. I believed that fairies brought autumn gold to leave, that they brought frost to the window panes. I even believed in the tooth fairy until I was in high school. Now I don’t believe in anything, even science. Can you help me in my crisis of faith?
———- from?Brian Price of Ames, IA
Have you considered Rush Limbaugh? Nowadays many people put their faith in Rush. I used to believe in Gore Vidal, but now I find myself believing more in Joe Bob Briggs, or Tom Tomorrow. Of course any expert is only as good as his data, and anyone with a modem can cruise the internet, accumulating megabytes of useless data, pictures of Cindy Crawford, shareware that’s not worth the trouble to learn how to use. No, if you’re going to believe in anyone, believe in yourself. Come to think of it, you’d be better of to just believe in me.