Crash and Burn
Why do meteors fall down instead of up?
———- from Patrick McDaniel of Leavenworth, KS
Meteors are the most clinically depressed of astral bodies. They have but one hope, one goal…and that’s to crash and burn as spectacularly as possible — sort of like America On Line not that long ago. Attempts to provide counseling or intervention for suicidal meteors have proven fruitless. Only Carl Sagan, the great humanitarian, had the power to continute working with meteors until his recent passing. All other so-called social scientists got discouraged and gave up. Sagan and his buddies Leonard Nimoy and Dr. Joyce Brothers encouraged meteors to “fly like eagles.” Perhaps that’s why one hasn’t hit an American surface in months. I’ve passed along a prototype rocket that would fire a Prozac payload into the meteors, thus reversing their moods. But NASA is whining about funding once again. It’s all in the life of a scientist, I guess.