Imagination Figments
How can someone have a figment of an imagination?
———- from of The Internet
The word figment was coined by the Bureau of Standards of weights and measurements. When you offer people a penny for their thoughts, a figment is what you get. A figment, in that way, is similar to a quark or photon. It takes billions and billions of figments to make what science can then call a “train” of thought, which travels on what is termed the “attention span.” Sometimes, due to MTV or mad cows, that “span” breaks. When this happens and you offer someone a penny for her or his thoughts, the response will be a simple “huh” or “I forget.” Attention spans are very brief and fragile these days; people blame the Internet or TV. I blame inflation. A penny just can’t buy a figment these days. These days a figment will run you 5 or 6 bucks retail, and it’s not even discounted at Fry’s or Circuit City.