Worm Reincarnation
Where are worms going when they crawl across a highway on a rainy night? And what are they thinking?
———- from Dennis Johnson of W. St. Paul, MN
Put yourself in the worm’s place. So far, your life has been one of continuous crawling, eating dirt and being covered with slime. You’re not much to look at, even if you had a way of seeing yourself. The only thing you look forward to is sex, and that’s with other worms. Then, on top of it all, it rains. So the worms you see are not crossing the road; they’re waiting. For your car. As a child you know instinctively, stomping a worm on the sidewalk is exactly what it wants. The next time it rains, get in your car and drive as much as possible. You’ll be doing a lot of worms a favor, pushing them into the next stage of reincarnation so they can be reborn as a Yorkshire terrier, lawyer or start-up entrepreneur.