Posted by Dr. Science on 08/13/2014 in
Question |
Are Fred and Wilma Flintstone still married after all these years?
———- from Barbara Hanna ofSlippery Rock, PA
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, Fred and Wilma were divorced in 1979. Fred ordered ribs at the drive in and tipped the car over one too many times. Wilma filed the papers a day later. Wilma got custody of the kids and pets, but the separation took its psychological toll. After extensive therapy and even a session at the Betty Boop Clinic, she has once again developed a close relationship with Bam Bam, who is a slightly overweight cosmetologist in Van Nuys, California, and Pebbles, an Army recruiter stationed in the Omaha area. Nobody knows what’s happened to Fred through all this. If anyone knows, please tell me. Dr. Science cares. But not for the movie.