Posted by Dr. Science on 11/25/2011 in
Question |
What’s the difference between metal and chrome cassettes? Isn’t chrome a metal?
———- from Bill Wilson of Colorado Springs CO
Check your periodic table. Chrome is a shiny plastic coating they put on darker plastic to make it look even cheaper. First employed in the early ’60s, when things that are horrible today just started getting bad, chrome coatings led the way for the seemingly unstoppable advance of shoddy workmanship. Today, even chrome has been replaced by a baser substance, slightly radioactive metals imported from the former Soviet Union. Discount stores are selling bicylces made from this stuff, which is as heavy as cast iron, but with all the tensile strength of tin. If I were you, I’d buy normal bias cassettes and rest assured that all your recordings will sound, well, normal. Although biased, of course.